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发布时间:2016/2/20 7:40:03  浏览次数:

 entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500;
 if holding>0 and ma5<ma20 then sell(1,1,market);
 if holding<0 and ma5>ma20 then sellshort(1,1,market);
 if holding=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then buy(1,1,market);
 if holding=0 and ma5<ma20 and entertime then buyshort(1,1,market);
 if time>=150000 then begin

简单的改法,自然是把各个条件“过去化”,如:ma5 改为 ref(ma(c,5),1);但这种方法碰到大型的、复杂的模型时,容易出错
 entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500;
 if holding>0 and cc<=0 then sell(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding<0 and cc>=0 then sellshort(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding=0 and cc>0 then buy(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding=0 and cc<0 then buyshort(1,1,limitr,o);
 if cc>0 and ma5<ma20 then cc:=0;
 if cc<0 and ma5>ma20 then cc:=0;
 if cc=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then cc:=1;
 if cc=0 and ma5<ma20 and entertime then cc:=-1;
 if time>=150000 then begin

那么,如果是 K线走完模式和盘中模式并存,怎么做呢?也简单,就是在“开盘价下单语句”后面加入蓝色部分的“盘中下单语句”就行了
 entertime:=time>100000 and time<144500;
 if holding>0 and cc<=0 then sell(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding<0 and cc>=0 then sellshort(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding=0 and cc>0 then buy(1,1,limitr,o);
 if holding=0 and cc<0 then buyshort(1,1,limitr,o);
 if cc>0 and l<zs then begin
 if cc<0 and h>zs then begin
 if cc>0 and ma5<ma20 then cc:=0;
 if cc<0 and ma5>ma20 then cc:=0;
 if cc=0 and ma5>ma20 and entertime then begin
 if cc=0 and ma5<ma20 and entertime then begin
 if time>=150000 then begin

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